Our fully licenced Doggy Day Care at Merley Mews is located near Wimbourne and Poole, with dedicated dog rooms, large open spaces and experienced dog lovers.
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Doggy Day Care at Merley Mews
Doggy Day Care at Merley Mews
A friendly and convenient dog day care with a 1/2 acre fully enclosed outdoor space and 2 chill out rooms for your dog to enjoy its home away from home.

Stay & Play for the Day
Merley Mews Doggy Day Care offers morning to evening dog sitting in the comfort of our great facilities, giving you peace of mind that your beloved pooch is being looked after whilst you are busy at work or out for the day.
Your best friend will be loved, cared for and doted on in a home away from home venue with an experienced carer and at the same time have a choice of playing, making friends or just chilling out in a comfy spot!

Our Facilities
The dog day care is located within the grounds of Merley Mews. This semi-rural location is easy to get to, being only a mile and a half outside of Wimborne and just off the Merley roundabout. It is equipped with a dedicated dog room complete with couches and dog beds for your pooch to relax in comfort. Next to the chill room is a large utility area leading outside to a ½ acre garden with plenty of space to run and play.

Why Merley Mews Doggy Day Care?
No one understands better than me that that having a dog means more than just owning a pet. They become a part of us and are our family. I feel that I have a natural way with all animals and seem to be able to understand how they are feeling as well as what they need. I am the hugest animal lover and animal advocate that you will meet. What more could you ask for when looking for the right person to care for your furry family member?