About Doggy Day Care at Merley Mews
Our Doggy Day Care is located between Wimbourne and Poole and set in the grounds of the old stables to Merley House. Merley Mews offers an expansive ½ acre garden providing plenty of space for dogs to run around to their heart's content.
They also have their own dedicated spaces indoors with a chill room equipped with comfy couches and various dog beds as well as a utility space so that should they need a break from any of the other dogs around them or if they are a smaller breed or older dog, they can be separated. Dogs will be kept safe within the confines of this secure property while still being able to exercise and rid themselves of excess energy.
We are fully insured and licensed.
Premises Licence Number: AAL 174196
4 Star- Higher Standards met
Our Facilities At Merley Mews
Sure to impress your doggy!
Chill Zone
A great room especially for dogs with sofas, dog beds and mats for rest time and cuddles
Active Zone
This space sits between the garden and chill zone, here they can drink and be merry
The Garden
This is a fully enclosed 1/2 acre of grass and wildflower for them to run, sniff and play.
Play Equipment
Within the garden we have tunnels and various agility equipment and toys for those who need entertaining
The Entrance
You can enter through the side gate into a pen the prevents dogs running up to you or out of the gate!
The Host
Taryn will be your dogs best friend for the days they are here offering care and cuddles.
About Taryn
Growing up we had a large garden which was home to never less than 6 dogs at a time. I have had so many different breeds of dog, from St Bernards to Labradors, German Shepherds, Dalmatians, Fox terriers, Jack Russel terriers, Maltese poodles, Pekatese, Weimaraner, Dachshunds, Great Danes, township dogs and rescue dogs to name a few. Adding to my experience with dogs, I worked part time as a veterinary receptionist for 7 years whilst studying and had to be hands on in many situations with dogs.
I have spent the last 21 years of my life as a teacher but in desperate need of a career change and having been a dog and animal lover my whole life decided to turn my interests to my next biggest passion. I feel that having grown up around so many different types of dogs as well as the experience of working at a vet for an extensive period of time stands me in good stead to look after other people’s pets. Along with my beautiful rescue dog Milo, we look forward to welcoming you and your furry friends to Merley Mews Doggy Day Care!